Sunday Morning Schedule
May 16th – July 4th, 2021
The Sunday Summer Schedule will begin on May 16th! Worship Service will be at the Pavilion from 9:30-10:15 and Sunday School will be 10:30-11:30 inside. If for some reason the weather keeps us from being outside, we will move inside, keeping everything the same. An e-blast will go out if this should occur.
Below are the teachers and classrooms/facility they'll be using:
Pastor Doug will be holding his class in the Sanctuary. The Firm Foundation Class focuses on connecting the dots from the Old Testament to the New Testament as one story – HIS Story! The lessons are currently from Genesis. There is no specific age for this class; all are welcome!
Jeff Rector will be holding his class, Harvest Friends, in the Choir Room (Room 106). They will be studying the Book of Hebrews. Ages range from 30+ - 60+.
Stan Shults’ class, Seeker’s, will meet in the Fellowship Hall. They will be in the Book of Revelations; Chapter 3 – the letter to the Church at Sardis.
Ages 30+ - 80+.
Barbara Melton will be teaching the Bethel Ladies Class. They meet in Room 107.
Ages 50+ - 80+.
Jamie Stapleton is the teacher for Generations Class. This class is family oriented and meets in the Yellow House.
Ryan and Alexa Dukate teach our College and Career Class at the Mission House. This class is mainly made of college students and young adults typically between 19 – late 20’s. Discussion is encouraged and they will be moving to the Answers in Genesis Curriculum.
Chris and Stacy Wajciechowski teach High School Girls & Boys in Room 108. They use the Lifeway series “Bible Studies for Life” which takes the principles learned from the Bible and applies them to everyday situations in current times. It is a discussion-oriented class that challenges current cultural norms with facts from the unchanging Word.
Cyndy Brauer and Cindy Rath are our Middle School Girls teachers. Grades 6th- 8th will meet in Room 109 and will be studying How to Defend Your Faith.
Randy Nunn is our Middle School Boys teacher. Grades 6th- 8th will meet in
Room 111.
Mrs. Alison – Nursery/2&3 year olds - Preschool Department
Mrs. Vi - 4 & 5 year olds - Preschool Department
Mrs. Dana - Children's Sunday School grades 1st – 5th will meet in the Basement. They use Lifeway Bible Studies for Life and will be continuing their study in “The Bible, God’s Word”.